Results for: natalie zombeck

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of GROWING UPWARD
By: natalie zombeck | Published: August 2022

Kids and teens deserve to be taken seriously and given every opportunity to grow into the person they were meant to be. The tough and tumultuous...

Kids and teens deserve to be taken seriously and given every opportunity to grow into the person they were meant to be. The tough and tumultuous teenage years are a great time to start developing empowering habits and defining future goals. Personal growth isn't about fitting into a template--it's about feeling powerful as the person you already are. Growing Upward is a toolbox of life lessons that author Natalie Zombeck wishes she'd had when she was navigating the tough teenage years. This simple guide is an introduction to personal growth; it's full of stories, tips, and activities to help build smart habits and a mindset that will lead to creating the life you want to live! Personal growth will help you discover your inner greatness. But it takes work! With these tips, you will explore big, important questions, and you will also investigate some tricky, not-so-fun things--like self-limiting beliefs! These are negative feelings like fear and anxiety that creep into your mind when you are about to try something new. They can also take the form of self-doubts and feelings of not being enough. But you are going to conquer those fears and self-limiting beliefs and rise above them!

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    High School - Mind & Body
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