Results for: harry woodgate

Below is a list of 4 the books by this author.

Book cover of GRANDAD'S CAMPER
By: harry woodgate | Published: April 2021

Discover a wonderful grandfather-granddaughter relationship, as a little girl hatches the perfect plan to get her Grandad adventuring again. Gramps...

Discover a wonderful grandfather-granddaughter relationship, as a little girl hatches the perfect plan to get her Grandad adventuring again. Gramps and Grandad were adventurers. They would surf, climb mountains, and tour the country in their amazing camper. Gramps just made everything extra special. But after Gramps died, granddad hasn't felt like traveling anymore. So, their amazing granddaughter comes up with a clever plan to fix up the old camper and get Grandad excited to explore again. This beautiful picture book honors love and reminds us not only to remember those we have lost, but to celebrate them.

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  • Category
    Picture Book
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Book cover of GRANDAD'S PRIDE
By: harry woodgate | Published: April 2023

Theme: LGBTQ2S+

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  • Category
    Picture Book
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Book cover of TIMID
By: harry woodgate | Published: June 2022

Timmy is struggling with their inner cowardly lion in this picture book about friendship and overcoming anxiety. Timmy loves nothing more than...

Timmy is struggling with their inner cowardly lion in this picture book about friendship and overcoming anxiety. Timmy loves nothing more than performing, that is, until they have an audience. They live in the shadow of their inner cowardly lion who loves to come out and ROAR all their confidence away. As Timmy dreads the upcoming school play, they form a powerful friendship with their classmate Nia. Together, they work to overcome their shyness and tame the lion. But when it's time to take the stage, Timmy feels the familiar swoosh of the lion's tail. Will Timmy be able to calm their anxiety and put on a show-stopping performance?

Theme: Anxiety , Friendship, Social Emotional Learning

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Picture Book
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Book cover of TIMIDE
By: harry woodgate | Published: October 2023

Voici Timmy! Rien ne lui plaît davantage que de se produire en spectacle. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que celui-ci ait lieu devant un public. Timmy vit...

Voici Timmy! Rien ne lui plaît davantage que de se produire en spectacle. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que celui-ci ait lieu devant un public. Timmy vit dans l'ombre du lion anxieux qui l'habite et qui aime surgir sans crier gare pour chasser toute son assurance d'un énorme rugissement. Alors que Timmy redoute la prochaine pièce de théâtre de l'école, iel se lie d'amitié avec sa camarade de classe Nia. C'est cette camaraderie qui aidera Timmy à surmonter sa timidité et à apprivoiser le lion. Mais lorsque vient le temps de monter sur scène, Timmy ressent le battement familier de la queue du lion. Que fera Timmy?

Theme: Non-Binary, Anxiety , Friendship

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Picture Book
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