Results for: steve watkins

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of STOLEN BY NIGHT
By: steve watkins | Published: November 2023

On May 10, 1940, the Nazis begin their march across Europe, and within weeks, France has fallen. At first, Nicolette's world seems more or less the...

On May 10, 1940, the Nazis begin their march across Europe, and within weeks, France has fallen. At first, Nicolette's world seems more or less the same despite the occupation. She and her best friend, Jules, still spend their days after school racing around Paris on their bikes and their evenings rushing through homework when they'd rather be riding. But as the months pass, the Third Reich tightens its hold on France and it becomes clear just what is at stake. Nicolette and Jules are drawn into a growing resistance movement, determined to do their part to fight back. It's a deadly secret they'll have to keep from everyone, including their families. Nicolette's own father works for local law enforcement, which is now under Nazi control, and who knows what might happen if anyone found out she joined the Resistance. But as Hitler's empire grows, no one can escape the horrors of war. Including Nicolette.

Theme: Historical Fiction, War/Children and War

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  • Category
    Young Adult Fiction
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