Results for: linda trice

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of KENYA'S ART
By: linda trice | Published: January 2016

Recycle! Reuse! Make Art! Kenya’s class is on spring vacation and their teacher asked them to write a report about how they spent their...

Recycle! Reuse! Make Art! Kenya’s class is on spring vacation and their teacher asked them to write a report about how they spent their time. But vacation is almost over and Kenya hasn't done anything worth noting. A late visit to a museum's recycling exhibit and a walk through her neighborhood with her daddy inspire Kenya to use her old, broken toys and other items to make art with her family. Now she's prepared to teach her whole class how to Recycle! Reuse! Make Art! This warm and engaging companion to Kenya's Song depicts the enthusiasm and creativity of one young girl in a diverse community who engages wholeheartedly with her friends, her environment, and herself.

Theme: Environmental Issues

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Picture Book
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