Results for: kiah thomas

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of CALLERS
By: kiah thomas | Published: April 2022

In the world of Elipsom, the ability to Call, or summon objects, is a coveted, crucial skill, revered among its people as both a powerful tool and an...

In the world of Elipsom, the ability to Call, or summon objects, is a coveted, crucial skill, revered among its people as both a powerful tool and an essential way to sustain life. But despite an elite family history, a phenom for an older sister, a best friend who is set to join the Council of Callers, and his mother's steely insistence that he learn to Call, Quin doesn't have the gift. In a story that explores some of the most crucial topics of our time - our relationship to consumerism, the exploitation of natural resources, colonialism, and the consequences of wanting more than we need - magic is sought, and truth is found.

Theme: Science Fiction

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
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