Results for: kerry sparrow

Below is a list of 3 the books by this author.

Book cover of AU DODO MOUTON
By: kerry sparrow | Published: October 2018

See below for English description. Damien aime les collations du soir et les histoires avant le dodo. Il aime aussi mettre son pyjama...

See below for English description. Damien aime les collations du soir et les histoires avant le dodo. Il aime aussi mettre son pyjama préféré et brosser ses dents avec du dentifrice au goût de gomme à mâcher. La seule chose que Damien n'aime pas à propos de l'heure du coucher, c'est de s'endormir. Il est prêt à tout pour éviter de le faire, mais sa maman a plus d'un tour dans son sac. Un jour, elle le laisse se débrouiller seul. Damien essaie alors de compter les moutons pour s'endormir. Tout se déroule bien jusqu'à ce qu'il tombe sur le mouton no 68, qui semble hésiter à sauter. Enfants et parents s'identifieront aux difficultés qu'éprouve Damien à s'endormir et éclateront de rire à voir le jeune homme tenter de jouer l'adulte lorsqu'il doit convaincre le mouton de sauter. Une lecture parfaite pour l'heure du dodo!   A hilarious take on an age-old plight, Sleep, Sheep! won't help anyone get to sleep! Duncan likes bedtime snacks and bedtime stories. He likes putting on his favourite pajamas and brushing his teeth with bubblegum-flavoured toothpaste. The only part of the bedtime ritual he dislikes is going to sleep, and he knows all the tricks for avoiding it... Until one day, his mom leaves him to figure it out on his own. So Duncan tries counting sheep to fall asleep. It all goes well for a while, but then Sheep #68 is a bit apprehensive about taking his turn, and suddenly, the tables have turned... Both kids and parents will relate to the trouble Duncan experiences going to sleep, and laugh at the role reversal as he becomes the parent. A perfect bedtime read! Original title: Sleep, Sheep!

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Picture Book
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Book cover of COUCH POTATO
By: kerry sparrow | Published: September 2019

A funny family story that turns the meaning of “couch potato” on its head. Mr. Russet is the first to spot it. A potato. Right in the...

A funny family story that turns the meaning of “couch potato” on its head. Mr. Russet is the first to spot it. A potato. Right in the middle of the couch. He’s had enough. “Every day I pick up this, I pick up that, I pick up everything!” he exclaims. “I will not pick up that potato!” And he doesn’t. In fact, he won’t pick up anything else either! But as the days pass, the rest of the family don’t seem to mind the potato in the living room. Or the growing mess. What’s a potato protestor to do? A cautionary tale that kids will devour whole!

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Picture Book
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Book cover of SLEEP SHEEP
By: kerry sparrow | Published: October 2018

There are lots of things Duncan likes about bedtime --- the stories, the pajamas, the bubblegum-flavored toothpaste ... The only thing he doesn't...

There are lots of things Duncan likes about bedtime --- the stories, the pajamas, the bubblegum-flavored toothpaste ... The only thing he doesn't like is going to sleep. And he'll do anything he can to avoid it. Until one day, Duncan's mom has had enough of his stalling. "Try counting sheep," she tells him. So, he does. At first, it's kind of fun. As he counts, each sheep appears, wearing its number like a race car, and leaps over the bed. But then comes Sheep #68, who hesitates. He needs a drink of water before he can jump. Then he has to go to the bathroom. Then he wants to put on running shoes. Will Sheep #68 ever do what he's supposed to? Kerry Lyn Sparrow's hilarious picture book story offers a new take on a universal experience. Using delaying tactics to avoid going to sleep at bedtime is a common routine for young children, and they'll love the sly humor when Duncan's own tricks get turned on him by the ("sheepish") sheep. In subtle colors with lots of telling details, Guillaume Perreault's illustrations bring Duncan's bedtime rituals and his unexpected sheep guests humorously to life. This book makes a fantastic, funny read-aloud, appealing to both children and adults.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Picture Book
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