Results for: marsha skrypuck

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of WINTERKILL
By: marsha skrypuck | Published: September 2022

It's 1930, and Nyl and his younger brother have lived their whole lives on their family farm in Kharkiv, Ukraine. But now, it won't be their family's...

It's 1930, and Nyl and his younger brother have lived their whole lives on their family farm in Kharkiv, Ukraine. But now, it won't be their family's anymore, because the Soviets are forcibly collectivizing and taking over the land. On top of bad harvests and a harsh winter, conditions continue to get worse until it becomes clear the lack of food is not just chance... but a murderous plan leading all the way to Stalin. Nyl and his neighbors try to steal back grain from the authorities, but the Soviets seem intent on slowly destroying the village. Can Nyl help save his community from starvation, or will he have to leave his home forever?

Theme: Ukrainian

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
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