Results for: itah sadu

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of I AM BIG
By: itah sadu | Published: May 2023

In the middle of the ice, a young Black hockey player finds joy in his talent and confidence in the cheers of his family, his coach, and the other...

In the middle of the ice, a young Black hockey player finds joy in his talent and confidence in the cheers of his family, his coach, and the other players. Their support gives him the power to face down those who see him as a threat and to focus on the thrill of the game.

Theme: Body Image

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Picture Book
Retail Price:
Book cover of PLUS GRAND
By: itah sadu | Published: October 2023

See below for English description. Un jeune hockeyeur noir doit faire face aux préjugés de ses coéquipiers et de leurs parents,...

See below for English description. Un jeune hockeyeur noir doit faire face aux préjugés de ses coéquipiers et de leurs parents, qui le considèrent comme une menace parce qu'il est le plus grand de l'équipe. En raison de la couleur de sa peau, ils le trouvent dangereux et supposent que c'est une brute. Le garçon comprend que le fait d'être grand peut être dangereux pour un enfant noir, car cela peut engendrer la haine et la violence. Heureusement, le joueur de hockey arrive à trouver de l'inspiration auprès de sa famille et des légendes du hockey noires pour montrer à son équipe qu'il n'est pas seulement grand, mais aussi grandiose! Cette histoire sur les préjugés raciaux montre aux enfants qu'ils ne devraient jamais avoir honte de prendre leur place, et à quel point les idées préconçues peuvent être dommageables. Original title : I Am Big A young Black hockey player must face the prejudice of his teammates and their parents who see him as a threat for being the biggest kid on the team. Based on his race, they find him dangerous and assume he's a bully, but he ruminates on how being big can be dangerous for a Black kid as it draws the wrong kind of attention, namely hatred and violence. The unnamed hockey player will draw inspiration from his family and Black hockey legends to show his team that he is more than his size. This story shows kids that they should never be ashamed for taking up space, and just how damaging unchallenged prejudices can be.

Theme: Prejudice & Racism, African Heritage, Sports - Hockey

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Picture Book
Retail Price: