Results for: lindsay puckett

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of GLASS WITCH
By: lindsay puckett | Published: October 2022

A body positive exploration of disability and complicated family dynamics. It's A Snicker of Magic meets Hocus Pocus with a touch of Dumplin' for...

A body positive exploration of disability and complicated family dynamics. It's A Snicker of Magic meets Hocus Pocus with a touch of Dumplin' for middle grade. Adelaide Goode has never quite been good enough. She is the weakest witch born to her family in three centuries and has absolutely zero chance -- as the town's fat girl -- of winning the Cranberry Hollow Halloween pageant. But winning brings glory, and glory means proving herself worthy of the Goode name, which is all Addie's ever wanted.What she most certainly does not want, however, is to enact a curse, waking a 300-year-old witch hunter from the grave. A curse that turns her bones into glass.With the aid of a monster-obsessed neighbor and a twitchy-nosed furry friend, Addie must hunt down three ingredients to break the curse before the stroke of midnight when the jinx becomes permanent.Addie must break the curse before the hunter ruins the pageant and erases magic -- and her -- from the town.With the aid of a monster-obsessed neighbor and a twitchy-nosed furry friend, Addie must hunt down three ingredients to break the curse before the stroke of midnight when the jinx becomes permanent.Addie must break the curse before the hunter ruins the pageant and erases magic -- and her -- from the town.Maybe she can finally prove herself Goode enough.

Theme: Body Image, Magic

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  • Category
    Junior Fiction
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Book cover of ODDS
By: lindsay puckett | Published: September 2023

In a world divided between magically gifted Oddities and ordinary Never Odds, a 10-year-old orphan desperately attempts to activate her Oddity ahead...

In a world divided between magically gifted Oddities and ordinary Never Odds, a 10-year-old orphan desperately attempts to activate her Oddity ahead of her birthday in order to save the magical residents of the retirement home she lives in from a mysterious affliction.

Theme: Special Needs, Ghosts

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Junior Fiction
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