Results for: leah payne

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of GET OUTSIDE
By: leah payne | Published: April 2024

We know spending time in nature is good for us, but why? And how did people become so disconnected from the natural world, anyway? Get Outside! How...

We know spending time in nature is good for us, but why? And how did people become so disconnected from the natural world, anyway? Get Outside! How Humans Connect with Natureexplores the important relationship between people and nature. It asks big questions, like Are humans part of nature or separate from it? and Do all people have equal access to nature? By discussing global issues such as the climate crisis and environmental racism, the book shows us that, by strengthening our relationship with the natural world, we can learn how to take care of the environment and to let the environment take care of us too.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Science - General
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Book cover of LESS IS MORE
By: leah payne | Published: October 2023

All over the world, people are joining the low-waste movement and getting tough on their trash. Maybe you've heard the reports of the Great...

All over the world, people are joining the low-waste movement and getting tough on their trash. Maybe you've heard the reports of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch swirling in the ocean. Maybe you've seen the photos of whales and sea birds with trash in their bellies. Or maybe you've heard that only 9 percent of our plastic waste actually gets recycled. We can all do our part for the planet by creating less garbage. In Less Is Moreyoung readers will discover how to avoid waste in the first place, reduce how much they use and reuse what they can, before they recycle and rot (compost) the rest. With small, simple actions we can become part of the circular economy. Find out how you can join the low-waste movement--and get your friends and family on board too!

Theme: Environmental Issues, Footprint Series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Social Studies - Issues (economic, Political And Social)
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