Results for: anita miettunen

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of BIG BLUE FOREVER
By: anita miettunen | Published: February 2017

Big Blue Forever is inspired by the true story of how a blue whale skeleton found on a remote beach in PEI was shipped cross country and reassembled...

Big Blue Forever is inspired by the true story of how a blue whale skeleton found on a remote beach in PEI was shipped cross country and reassembled for permanent display at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum. This unique Canadian adventure story is complemented with intriguing facts about blue whales and their environment, and the fascinating process that museums go through to uncover, prepare, and reassemble skeletons for display and study.

Theme: Environmental Issues

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Science - General
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