Results for: tagawa mi

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of FOX & LITTLE TANUKI 06
By: tagawa mi | Published: July 2023

After 300 years, the gods that imprisoned Senzou the black fox for his arrogance finally set him free. There is only one condition -- he can't have...

After 300 years, the gods that imprisoned Senzou the black fox for his arrogance finally set him free. There is only one condition -- he can't have any of his supernatural abilities back until he successfully helps a tanuki pup named Manpachi become one of their magical assistants. Unfortunately for Senzou, there's no cheating when it comes to completing his task! The magic beads around his neck make sure he can't wander too far from his charge or shirk his duties, and so... Senzou the once-great Fox Spirit must now figure out how to be an actually-great babysitter to a mischievous little tanuki or risk being stuck without his powers forever!

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  • Category
    Manga Children's
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