Results for: jean leibowitz

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of DISCOVER HER ART
By: jean leibowitz | Published: February 2022

Students have always learned to make art by studying the works of masters, usually painted by men. Discover Her Art takes a new direction and invites...

Students have always learned to make art by studying the works of masters, usually painted by men. Discover Her Art takes a new direction and invites young art lovers and artists to learn about painting through the lives and masterpieces of 24 women from the 16th to the 20th century. Readers will experience different kinds of art, explore how paintings are made, and appreciate the important role of women in the history of painting. In each chapter, readers arrive at a painting, explore it, and learn about the artist's life and accomplishments. They will discover how the artists used composition, color, value, shape, and line in paintings that range from highly realistic to fully abstract. Hands-on exercises encourage readers to create their own art. Readers will walk away appreciating the artistic contributions that women have made throughout history. Whether you love to make art or just look at it, you will enjoy discovering the great work of these women artists.

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    The Arts - Music, Art, Architecture
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