Results for: suzy lee

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of SHADE TREE
By: suzy lee | Published: September 2023

Villagers like to come to rest and cool down in the shade of a huge, old tree. But when a young traveler decides to join them one day, a rich man on...

Villagers like to come to rest and cool down in the shade of a huge, old tree. But when a young traveler decides to join them one day, a rich man on whose land the tree stands demands they leave because he owns the tree and therefore its shade. Thinking fast, the traveler strikes a deal: one that will enable him to outsmart the rich man--and ensure that the villagers will always have access to the shade tree's shade, wherever it may fall.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Picture Book
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