Results for: jiri kolibac

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of INSECTOPIA
By: jiri kolibac | Published: December 2023

A sequel to Encyclopedia of Extinct Animals and Encyclopedia of Endangered Animals, this large format encyclopedia focuses on the world's largest...

A sequel to Encyclopedia of Extinct Animals and Encyclopedia of Endangered Animals, this large format encyclopedia focuses on the world's largest group of animals--insects. The third publication in the series Large Encyclopedia of Animals with stunning realistic full-page illustrations introduces the wonderful world of insects, oft-unnoticed creatures without which there would be no life on our planet. It's written by leading Czech entomologist Jiří Kolibáč and illustrated by Pavel Dvorský and his wife Pavla Dvorská. Insects are everywhere around us, a part of our everyday lives. Did you know that insects are the world's largest group of animals? And that we find them in arid deserts and meadows in bloom, in deep forest and freshwater pools, in dark caves and on the surface of the ocean? Read about complex rituals of courtship, touching care for offspring, organization of insect states, wars over food sources, plus scents, colorful wings and sharp mandibles. As you learn about the largest and smallest of them, you will begin to realize how important insects are--for humankind and for all life on our planet. On 96 pages this book will take you into the realm of tiny creatures whose behavior, shapes, and colors will surprise you with their complexity.

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Science - Insects & Spiders
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