Results for: sue kim

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of HOW DOES A SEED GROW
By: sue kim | Published: March 2010

Watch seeds grow right before your eyes! Readers can follow the fun clues and guess what delicious fruits will grow from each seed. With a lift of...

Watch seeds grow right before your eyes! Readers can follow the fun clues and guess what delicious fruits will grow from each seed. With a lift of each foldout flap, kids can watch the seeds take root in the soil, sprout from the ground, and finally, make the fruits we love to eat! A tomato seed grows ripe tomatoes, an orange seed grows juicy oranges, a pea seed grows crunchy pea pods, a pepper seed grows shiny bell peppers, and blueberry seeds grow plump blueberries. Each cardstock page of this book folds out into a large 14" x 14" inch page that reveals a child enjoying the healthy and delicious fruits of the seeds.

Theme: Science , Pre-School

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Board Book
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