Results for: e.k. johnston

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of PRETTY FURIOUS
By: e.k. johnston | Published: April 2024

In the small town of Eganston, Ontario, five high school friends have had enough. They've experienced the worst abuse, bullying, and gaslighting...

In the small town of Eganston, Ontario, five high school friends have had enough. They've experienced the worst abuse, bullying, and gaslighting their small community has to offer. But it hasn't been all bad. They now know they can count on each other, and surviving their high school years has taught them a few things. One might even say they've learned some useful tactics. And this year is going to be all about using them.

Theme: Bullying issues

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Young Adult Fiction
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