Results for: shawn henry

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of MADE IN MAINE
By: shawn henry | Published: October 2023

It's as if they are living in a country music song. When the mill closes, Edgewater's economy and hope collapse. Hunter's father starts drinking and...

It's as if they are living in a country music song. When the mill closes, Edgewater's economy and hope collapse. Hunter's father starts drinking and becomes an embarrassment and liability to Hunter, who's trying to balance his high-maintenance girlfriend with life on the basketball court. Luna, attending in-person school for the first time in her 17 years, has no friends and hides behind her hoodie to escape her peers' vicious ridicule. A tragic accident sends the town spiraling further into despair. In its wake, Luna and Hunter are forced to work together as the unlikely leaders of a fundraising project, one that attempts to make meaning of the senseless disaster. Many of Edgewater's residents jump on board to help. But some are fiercely opposed to the project, and their defiance becomes sinister. When Hunter and Luna stumble upon dark secrets and are forced to keep them, they realize the terrifying risks they are taking to knit a broken community back together. And just like in those songs, not everything that's broken can be fixed.

Theme: Coming of Age

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    Intermediate Fiction
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