Results for: livi gosling

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of MY 1ST GARDEN
By: livi gosling | Published: March 2023

A beautifully illustrated children’s guide to growing plants, from vegetables to wildflower meadows. This is a gardening book for kids who like...

A beautifully illustrated children’s guide to growing plants, from vegetables to wildflower meadows. This is a gardening book for kids who like to get their hands dirty, plant whatever they like, create indoor jungles, and go on sneaky wildflower missions. No matter how tiny your space, you can be a gardener. Livi Gosling has advice on creating a jungle in your bedroom using houseplants, scavenging from the recycling to create a vegetable kingdom of your own, and adding a splash of color to gray city streets with your own wildflower seed mix. With clear step-by-step instructions on how to get seeds, plant them, and help them grow, and plenty of inspiration and helpful tips, this book will help you get started with your very first gardening projects.

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Science - Trees, Plants & Flowers
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