Results for: zana fraillon

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of CURIOSITIES
By: zana fraillon | Published: June 2022

One morning, at dawn, the Curiosities choose Miro to nest on. At first, he doesn't notice. Over time, Miro discovers that he sees and feels things...

One morning, at dawn, the Curiosities choose Miro to nest on. At first, he doesn't notice. Over time, Miro discovers that he sees and feels things differently than everyone else around him. The Curiosities show Miro an extraordinary world. Sometimes, though, the Curiosities make Miro feel lost and alone: they shriek and roar, and are so bright and overwhelming that he feels invisible. But perhaps Miro isn't as alone as he thinks... and maybe the Curiosities have chosen other people as well.

Theme: Filipino

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  • Category
    Picture Book
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