Results for: jim eldridge

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of WRESTLING TROLLS 3
By: jim eldridge | Published: September 2014

Challenged to a Giant Rumble but suffering from a shortfall of wrestlers, Jack and his friends set out to find more participants for their great...

Challenged to a Giant Rumble but suffering from a shortfall of wrestlers, Jack and his friends set out to find more participants for their great battle. But what starts as a fun-filled road trip soon becomes an action-packed adventure filled with dangers such as farting Billy Goats, poisonous spiders, and evil servants of the wicked King Nugget. With their new taco-eating, super-bendy, and even transfigurative friends at hand, will the Wrestling Trolls make it back alive—or better yet, to the match?

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    First Novel
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