Results for: larysa denysenko

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of MAYA & HER FRIENDS
By: larysa denysenko | Published: February 2023

Nine-year-old Maja has 16 classmates, all with different home backgrounds. Sofia's father has disappeared in the battles against Russia. When the war...

Nine-year-old Maja has 16 classmates, all with different home backgrounds. Sofia's father has disappeared in the battles against Russia. When the war ends, he will hopefully be found. Aksana lives with her father because her mother is dead. Hristina lives with her grandmother because her parents are working abroad. Rais is a Crimean Tatar whose family had to leave his homeland due to the Russian occupation. Timko's parents are divorced, and he lives alternately with his mother and father. Petro is a Roma and has a huge family clan. Maja herself, on the other hand, has two mothers.

Theme: War/Children and War, Ukrainian

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Social Studies - Issues (economic, Political And Social)
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