Results for: vanessa davis

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of SPANIEL RAGE
By: vanessa davis | Published: February 2017

"I love [Daviss] free-form drawing . . . She just has a funny, truthful voice." Audrey Niffenegger Vanessa Daviss autobiography,...

"I love [Daviss] free-form drawing . . . She just has a funny, truthful voice." Audrey Niffenegger Vanessa Daviss autobiography, more observational than confessional, delighted readers ten years ago when she first began telling stories about her life in New York as a young single Jewish woman. Spaniel Rage is filled with frank and immediate pencil-drawn accounts of dating woes, misunderstandings between her and her mother, and conversations with friends. Her keen observation of careless words spoken casually is refreshingly honest, yet never condemning. Unabashedly, Davis offers up gently self-deprecating anecdotes about her anxieties and wry truths about the contradictions of life in the big city. These comics are sexy, funny, lonely, beautiful, spare, and very smartthe finest work from a natural storyteller.

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Graphic Novel Adult
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