Results for: elyssa campbell

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of POISON TOWN
By: elyssa campbell | Published: September 2023

Everything seems sick in Addie’s town; even the crows have trouble flying. Now she's out to prove the local plant is covering up its polluting...

Everything seems sick in Addie’s town; even the crows have trouble flying. Now she's out to prove the local plant is covering up its polluting ways. Elyssa Campbell’s debut novel Poison Town tells the story of a fourteen-year-old who becomes an environmental activist - in a company town built around a smelter. She faces a mystery – what is poisoning the town when there has been a successful clean-up. Addie’s town is built around a lead and zinc smelter. The company has done an extensive cleanup of its operations, but the air and water still seem dangerous. Addie decides to find out if the smelter is still poisoning local residents. To do that, she needs help. This novel allows young readers to confront climate anxieties while finding inspiration in Addie’s believable and realistic actions. Addie is overlooked and treated as a child who wouldn’t understand. Big mistake. She uses adult naivety to her advantage and confronts what most people in her town are too fearful to address. Elyssa Campbell adds an author’s note to her story, pointing to real-life examples which closely parallel the situation and events in her novel.

Theme: Environmental Issues, Climate Change, Activism, High Interest/Low Vocabulary

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
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