Results for: colette bennett

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of ENTER THE META
By: colette bennett | Published: January 2023

A fun, heart-warming and nerdy YA novel for fans of eSports, loveable characters and stories about overcoming the odds Lissa is obsessed with...

A fun, heart-warming and nerdy YA novel for fans of eSports, loveable characters and stories about overcoming the odds Lissa is obsessed with Ancestral, the latest and greatest battle arena co-op game out there—and she's really good at it. If she wants to get to the top, she will have to band together with her best friend Ji-Soo—and their friends Ray, Zio, Jae-Jin and Lucas—to become Team Phoenix. With the support of former pro Esport-player, Devon, Team Phoenix trains day and night for the upcoming Regional Championships. But the road to victory has its twists and turns: Lissa is haunted by the loss of her brother, Ji-Soo receives bad news from home, and they’re up against the number one team in the region, Mastermind, a group of frat boys who aren't afraid to play dirty. The odds feel stacked against them, but Team Phoenix is determined to rise from the ashes.

Theme: Gaming

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Young Adult Fiction
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