Results for: chandler baker

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of HELLO FROM HERE
By: chandler baker | Published: September 2022

Maxine and Jonah meet in the canned goods aisle just as California is going into lockdown. Max's part-time job as a personal grocery shopper is about...

Maxine and Jonah meet in the canned goods aisle just as California is going into lockdown. Max's part-time job as a personal grocery shopper is about to transform into a hellish gauntlet. Jonah's preexisting anxiety is about to become an epic daily struggle. As Max and Jonah get to know each other through FaceTime dates, socially distanced playground hangs, and the escalating heartbreaks of the pandemic, they're pushed apart by what they don't share and pulled closer by what they do.

Theme: Romance, Pandemic

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Young Adult Fiction
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