Results for: jeannette arroyo

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of BLACKWATER
By: jeannette arroyo | Published: July 2022

Riverdale meets Stranger Things in this debut queer YA graphic novel, developed from a hit webcomic. Set in the haunted town of Blackwater, Maine,...

Riverdale meets Stranger Things in this debut queer YA graphic novel, developed from a hit webcomic. Set in the haunted town of Blackwater, Maine, two boys fall for each other as they dig for clues to a paranormal mystery. Tony Price is a popular high school track star and occasional delinquent aching for his dad’s attention and approval. Eli Hirsch is a quiet boy with a chronic autoimmune disorder that has ravaged his health and social life. What happens when these two become unlikely friends (and a whole lot more . . .) in the spooky town of Blackwater, Maine? Werewolf curses, unsavory interactions with the quarterback of the football team, a ghostly fisherman haunting the harbor, and tons of high school drama. Combining the spookiness of Anya's Ghost with the irreverent humor of Nimona, Blackwater is one part coming of age story, one part coming out story, and one part paranormal adventure.

Theme: LGBTQ2S+, #OwnVoices, Romance

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Graphic Novel Teen
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Book cover of BLACKWATER
By: jeannette arroyo | Published: July 2022

Tony Price is a popular high school track star and occasional delinquent aching for his dad’s attention and approval. Eli Hirsch is a quiet boy...

Tony Price is a popular high school track star and occasional delinquent aching for his dad’s attention and approval. Eli Hirsch is a quiet boy with a chronic autoimmune disorder that has ravaged his health and social life. What happens when these two become unlikely friends (and a whole lot more . . .) in the spooky town of Blackwater, Maine? Werewolf curses, unsavory interactions with the quarterback of the football team, a ghostly fisherman haunting the harbor, and tons of high school drama.

Theme: LGBTQ2S+, #OwnVoices, Romance

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Graphic Novel Teen
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