Results for: maya vandermeer

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of KUAN YIN
By: maya vandermeer | Published: May 2021

Princess Miao Shan's heart is so full of love that her dream is to spread happiness throughout the land and help people endlessly. But her father has...

Princess Miao Shan's heart is so full of love that her dream is to spread happiness throughout the land and help people endlessly. But her father has other plans for her--he intends to have her married and remain in the palace. With the help of her little sister Ling, Miao Shan escapes and begins her journey to discover the true meaning of compassion. During their adventure, Ling and Miao Shan are eventually separated. Ling must overcome doubts, fears, and loneliness in order to realize what her sister had told her all along--that love is the greatest power in the world. After the sisters' reunion, Miao Shan realizes her true calling as Kuan Yin, the goddess of compassion.

Theme: Asian Heritage, Diversity/Diverse characters, Chinese

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Picture Book - Advanced
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