Results for: danielle svetcov

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of PARKED
By: danielle svetcov | Published: February 2021

Jeanne Ann is smart, stubborn, living in an orange van, and determined to find a permanent address before the start of seventh grade. Cal is tall,...

Jeanne Ann is smart, stubborn, living in an orange van, and determined to find a permanent address before the start of seventh grade. Cal is tall, sensitive, living in a humongous house across the street, and determined to save her. Jeanne Ann is roughly as enthusiastic about his help as she is about living in a van. As the two form a tentative friendship that grows deeper over alternating chapters, they're buoyed by a cast of complex, oddball characters who let them down, lift them up, and leave you cheering.

Theme: Poverty, Wholesome Romance

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Junior Fiction
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