Results for: les stroud

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of WILD OUTSIDE
By: les stroud | Published: March 2021

Join TV's Survivorman on twelve edge-of-your-seat adventures as he proves anyone can be an outdoor explorer. From surviving a frigid night in...

Join TV's Survivorman on twelve edge-of-your-seat adventures as he proves anyone can be an outdoor explorer. From surviving a frigid night in northern Canada to munching on grubs in the Australian Outback, Les Stroud's passion for the outdoors has driven him to some of the planet's most remote and beautiful locations. In Wild Outside, he invites readers into his world of wilderness adventures with fast-paced stories, nature facts, and practical advice for spending time outside.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Social Studies - General
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