Results for: joanna rzezak

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of 1001 FISH
1001 FISH
By: joanna rzezak | Published: July 2022

The latest book from criticallypraised author and illustratorJoanna Rzezak, thisbeautifully illustrated,informative volumeintroduces children to...

The latest book from criticallypraised author and illustratorJoanna Rzezak, thisbeautifully illustrated,informative volumeintroduces children to theocean and its creatures, asseen through the eyes of oneschool of fish. We're on an adventure with 1,001 fish! Travel along with them from the warm waters of the Caribbean to the deepest darkest part of the ocean. Visit pelicans on the shore, salmon in the ocean and the river, listen to the whales sing, and discover fish that are thirteen feet long. 1001 Fish is an engaging nonfiction book full of fascinating facts about the ocean. With lively and appealing illustrations, it's a must-have for children who are curious about sea creatures and the animal kingdom.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Science - Oceans, Fish & Aquatic Life
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