Results for: betsy painter

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Book cover of ALL OF CREATION
By: betsy painter | Published: April 2023

From conservation to protecting endangered species to sustainable living, All of Creation offers young readers accessible and fascinating information...

From conservation to protecting endangered species to sustainable living, All of Creation offers young readers accessible and fascinating information on the challenges our planet faces and practical ways we can care for the magnificent world around us. Drawing on science and Scripture, this hope-filled and kid-friendly guide to planet Earth addresses our most pressing questions about caring for and respecting God's world, such as: What are the biggest challenges our planet faces, and what impact do they have on our lives? What guidance does the Bible offer to help us navigate environmental issues such as pollution, food shortages, and deforestation? What simple choices can we make to help restore and protect God's creation? Gorgeously detailed illustrations throughout highlight the beauty of the natural world, while practical tips and activities at the end of each chapter show how we can become better stewards of the Earth and support efforts that make a positive difference in the world. All of Creation is ideal for: Readers ages 8-12 who are interested in conservation and the environment Young people who want to get involved but don't know where to start Gift-giving occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and other holidays

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Science - Earth, Ecology & Ecosystems
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