Results for: girlsundpanzerprojek

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of GIRLS UND PANZER 03
By: girlsundpanzerprojek | Published: January 2015

WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS After their Tankery victory over Anzio, the girls of Ooarai Girls' Academy move on to the semi-final match. Their next opponent...

WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS After their Tankery victory over Anzio, the girls of Ooarai Girls' Academy move on to the semi-final match. Their next opponent is Pravda Girls' High School, the winners of the last year's Tankery Nationals tournament, directly due to Nishizumi Miho's actions and her unique "style" of Tankery. Meanwhile, the Ooarai girls learn that high stakes are on the line for this match, possibly the school itself! Against Pravda's team of high-powered and strongly-armored tanks, can Miho lead Ooarai to victory? Panzer Vor!

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  • Category
    Manga - Adult
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