Results for: kara dymond

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of THE AUTISM LENS
By: kara dymond | Published: September 2020

The Autism Lens helps teachers connect to students with autism and support them along their own unique trajectory. Bringing to life communication...

The Autism Lens helps teachers connect to students with autism and support them along their own unique trajectory. Bringing to life communication difficulties that impact socialization and learning, this book removes the guesswork by offering practical solutions to foster inclusion build new skills and motivate problem-solve challenges develop strengths boost resilience nurture independence Numerous easy-to-use, classroom-tested strategies are explored in this comprehensive resource. Woven throughout are stories about students to encourage teachers to see instruction from a student's point of view. From this perspective, teachers can gain trust and nudge students into the space where learning happens.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Teacher / Parent Resources
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