Results for: jerry craft

Below is a list of 7 the books by this author.

Book cover of CLASS ACT
By: jerry craft | Published: October 2020

Eighth grader Drew Ellis is no stranger to the saying “You have to work twice as hard to be just as good.” His grandmother has reminded him his...

Eighth grader Drew Ellis is no stranger to the saying “You have to work twice as hard to be just as good.” His grandmother has reminded him his entire life. But what if he works ten times as hard and still isn’t afforded the same opportunities that his privileged classmates at the Riverdale Academy Day School take for granted? To make matters worse, Drew begins to feel as if his good friend Liam might be one of those privileged kids. He wants to pretend like everything is fine, but it''s hard not to withdraw, and even their mutual friend Jordan doesn''t know how to keep the group together. As the pressures mount, will Drew find a way to bridge the divide so he and his friends can truly accept each other? And most important, will he finally be able to accept himself?

Theme: Diversity, Culturally Responsive , BIPOC , School

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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Book cover of CLASS ACT
By: jerry craft | Published: October 2020

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  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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Book cover of CLASSE
By: jerry craft | Published: September 2022

See below for English description. C'est le début de la huitième année à l'académie Riverdale et Drew en a plein...

See below for English description. C'est le début de la huitième année à l'académie Riverdale et Drew en a plein les bras. Une relation est en train de naître avec sa camarade de classe Ashley, il se met une pression énorme pour avoir de bonnes notes, le directeur lui demande une grande faveur... et pour rendre les choses encore plus stressantes, il remet en question son amitié avec Liam. Liam est beaucoup plus privilégié que lui, et Drew se demande s'ils ont vraiment tant de choses en commun. Suite de la bande dessinée Le nouveau de Jerry Craft, auteur à succès du New York Times, cet ouvrage porte à réfléchir sur les enjeux raciaux, les classes sociales et la difficile période de l'adolescence. Eighth grade is starting at Riverdale Academy Day School and Drew Ellis has a lot on his plate. A relationship with classmate Ashley is budding, he's putting a ton of pressure on himself to get good grades, and the principal has just asked a big favour of him. To make things more stressful, he's questioning his friendship with Liam. If Liam is so much more privileged than him, do they really have that much in common? Race, social class, and the challenging period of adolescence are explored in this thought-provoking companion to Le nouveau from New York Times bestselling author Jerry Craft.

Theme: Diversity, Culturally Responsive

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Graphic Novel K-8
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Book cover of NEW KID
By: jerry craft | Published: February 2019

Seventh grader Jordan Banks loves nothing more than drawing cartoons about his life. But instead of sending him to the art school of his dreams, his...

Seventh grader Jordan Banks loves nothing more than drawing cartoons about his life. But instead of sending him to the art school of his dreams, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school known for its academics, where Jordan is one of the few kids of color in his entire grade. As he makes the daily trip from his Washington Heights apartment to the upscale Riverdale Academy Day School, Jordan soon finds himself torn between two worlds—and not really fitting into either one. Can Jordan learn to navigate his new school culture while keeping his neighbourhood friends and staying true to himself?

Theme: Diversity, BIPOC , Culturally Responsive

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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Book cover of NOUVEAU
By: jerry craft | Published: September 2021

See below for English description. Au début de sa septième année, Jordan Banks intègre une prestigieuse école...

See below for English description. Au début de sa septième année, Jordan Banks intègre une prestigieuse école privée d'un quartier riche de New York. Il ne se sent pas vraiment à sa place dans ce nouvel environnement. Non seulement il est nouveau, mais il est aussi l'un des seuls élèves noirs de tous les septième année. Jordan comprend vite que sa nouvelle vie sera semée d'embûches. Il va devoir être résilient pour rester fidèle à lui-même, à sa famille et à son quartier. Sera-t-il capable de jongler entre ces deux mondes très différents? Cette bande dessinée poignante explore des thèmes liés au racisme et à la classe sociale, mais aussi à la découverte de nouvelles expériences. School is hard enough without being the new kid. When seventh-grader Jordan Banks finds himself at a prestigious private school in an affluent New York City neighbourhood, he doesn't feel he quite fits in. He's not just the new kid, but also one of the few students of colour in his entire grade. He soon finds out that it's not easy navigating this new life, while staying true to himself and where he comes from. Will Jordan learn to balance the two different worlds, or will one end up taking over? Le nouveau explores topics such as race, culture, and navigating new experiences in this poignant new graphic novel. Original title: New Kid

Theme: Diversity, Culturally Responsive

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Graphic Novel K-8
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Book cover of SCHOOL TRIP
By: jerry craft | Published: April 2023

Jordan, Drew, Liam, Maury, and their friends from Riverdale Academy Day School are heading out on a school trip to Paris. As an aspiring artist...

Jordan, Drew, Liam, Maury, and their friends from Riverdale Academy Day School are heading out on a school trip to Paris. As an aspiring artist himself, Jordan can't wait to see all the amazing art in the famous City of Lights. But when their trusted faculty guides are replaced at the last minute, the school trip takes an unexpected--and hilarious--turn. Especially when trying to find their way around a foreign city ends up being almost as tricky as navigating the same friendships, fears, and differences that they struggle with at home. Will Jordan and his friends embrace being exposed to a new language, unfamiliar food, and a different culture Or will they all end up feeling like the "new kid"

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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Book cover of SCHOOL TRIP
By: jerry craft | Published: April 2023

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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