Results for: ilene cooper

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of GOLDEN RULE
By: ilene cooper | Published: October 2019

A grandfather explains to his grandson that the Golden Rule means you “treat people the way you would like to be treated. It’s golden because...

A grandfather explains to his grandson that the Golden Rule means you “treat people the way you would like to be treated. It’s golden because it’s so valuable, and a way of living your life that’s so simple, it shines.” The book reveals versions of the Golden Rule found in many cultures and religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. Following the Golden Rule is something everyone can do, which means that every person—old or young, rich or poor—can help make the world a better place.  

Theme: Friendship, Empathy, Kindness

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    Picture Book
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Book cover of LITTLE LUCY
By: ilene cooper | Published: July 2011

Learn to read with Ilene Cooper's adorable beagle puppy, Lucy! Lucy likes to run. She likes to bark. She likes to chew and howl. But when Bobby...

Learn to read with Ilene Cooper's adorable beagle puppy, Lucy! Lucy likes to run. She likes to bark. She likes to chew and howl. But when Bobby and his family take her to a lake, she finds out there's one thing she doesn't like—the water! Step 3 (Reading on Your Own) is for children who are ready to read independently. Step 3 titles have stories with easy-to-follow plots and engaging characters.

Theme: Level 3 Beginning Reader

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Beginning Reader
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