Results for: peggy collins

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of HARLEY LE HEROS
By: peggy collins | Published: October 2023

Laissez-nous vous présenter un véritable héros qui adore lécher des orteils : Harley, le chien d'assistance! Tous les jours, il accompagne Mme...

Laissez-nous vous présenter un véritable héros qui adore lécher des orteils : Harley, le chien d'assistance! Tous les jours, il accompagne Mme Richard à l'école pour s'assurer qu'elle se sent en sécurité. Ses élèves sont très amusants, mais Harley ne peut pas jouer avec eux pendant qu'il porte sa veste de travail. En revanche, les élèves lui écrivent un tas de lettres! Tout est parfait dans la classe la plus formidable et la plus calme de toute l'école, jusqu'au jour où les vieux rideaux de scène prennent feu. Alors que l'alarme incendie retentit et que le chaos s'installe, la formation de Harley est mise à l'épreuve pour assurer la sécurité de tous! Harley le héros célèbre le travail des animaux d'assistance et la normalisation de la neurodivergence.

Theme: Special Needs, Friendship, School

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Picture Book
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Book cover of HARLEY THE HERO
By: peggy collins | Published: July 2021

An exciting picture book inspired by a real-life classroom service dog with themes of friendship, neurodivergence, and courage Harley the service dog...

An exciting picture book inspired by a real-life classroom service dog with themes of friendship, neurodivergence, and courage Harley the service dog is on the job! He goes to school every day with Ms. Prichard to make sure she feels safe. Their students are a lot of fun, but Harley can't play with them while he's wearing his work vest. They write him lots of letters instead, and everything is perfect in the best, most quiet class in the whole school. Until the day the old stage curtains catch fire. As the fire alarm blares and chaos erupts, Harley remembers that Ms. Prichard isn't the only human in his class who gets upset by loud noises. Inspired by a true story, Harley the Hero celebrates the work of service animals and the normalization of neurodivergence. Author-illustrator Peggy Collins brings Harley and his class to charming life and concludes with an Author's Note about the real dog behind the fictional Harley.

Theme: Special Needs, Support Dogs

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Picture Book
Retail Price: