Results for: jack briglio

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of THUNDERBOOM
By: jack briglio | Published: May 2023

Logan’s going on the train to see the Santa Claus parade, both of which he loves. But Logan isn’t like most 11-year-olds - he can’t speak, and...

Logan’s going on the train to see the Santa Claus parade, both of which he loves. But Logan isn’t like most 11-year-olds - he can’t speak, and he mostly lives in his head. This adventure means facing his greatest fears: masks, dogs and the unknown. When he’s separated from his parents at the parade, Logan goes where he’s the bravest version of himself - his imagination. Transforming into superhero ThunderBoom, Logan is ready to stomp through any challenge! A fresh take on dealing with life’s difficulties. Kids will be rooting for their new favorite superhero - ThunderBoom!

Theme: Nonverbal, Special Needs

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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