Results for: sandra bradley

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of COCOA MAGIC
By: sandra bradley | Published: November 2022

Eight-year-old Daniel cherishes the hour he spends every morning helping his Great-Uncle Lewis in his chocolate shop. They mix, temper, pour, and...

Eight-year-old Daniel cherishes the hour he spends every morning helping his Great-Uncle Lewis in his chocolate shop. They mix, temper, pour, and mold. "It's magic, my boy," Uncle Lewis says. And Daniel agrees. When a new girl named Sarah joins his class, Daniel sees how lonely she is and begins sneaking chocolates into her desk. Seeing Sarah light up after each treat is wonderful, but then Daniel starts noticing other classmates with troubles. Soon he is hiding more and more chocolates until the exciting day when everyone in class receives one, even the teacher! The best part is, no one knows it's him. But then, when Daniel is the one feeling sad and alone, who will know to comfort him?

Theme: Food

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Picture Book
Retail Price:
By: sandra bradley | Published: January 2023

See below for English description. Daniel, huit ans, aime aider son oncle chocolatier dans sa boutique avant d'aller à l'école. Quand...

See below for English description. Daniel, huit ans, aime aider son oncle chocolatier dans sa boutique avant d'aller à l'école. Quand une nouvelle élève arrive dans sa classe, il remarque qu'elle a besoin d'un peu de réconfort. Daniel a une idée: avec l'aide de son oncle, il va surprendre la jeune fille en déposant un chocolat sur son pupitre. Ce qu'il voit par la suite est MAGIQUE! Est-ce que cela inspirera Daniel à créer d'autres moments spéciaux? Avec des illustrations de la créatrice primée Gabrielle Grimard, ce magnifique album montre la capacité d'un enfant à comprendre les sentiments des autres et à leur offrir de petits actes de gentillesse. Eight-year-old Daniel loves to help his chocolatier uncle in his shop before school. When a new girl joins his class, he notices that she could use some cheering up. Daniel gets an idea: with his uncle's help, he'll surprise the girl with some chocolate in her desk. What he sees next is MAGIC! Will Daniel be inspired to create more special moments? With illustrations by award-winning Gabrielle Grimard, this beautiful picture book tells the story of one child's ability to turn his understanding of others' feelings into small acts of kindness.

Theme: Food

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Picture Book
Retail Price: