Results for: olivia abtahi

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of AZAR ON FIRE
By: olivia abtahi | Published: August 2022

Fourteen-year-old Azar Rossi's first year of high school has mostly been silent, and intentionally so. After a bad case of colic as a baby, Azar's...

Fourteen-year-old Azar Rossi's first year of high school has mostly been silent, and intentionally so. After a bad case of colic as a baby, Azar's vocal folds are shredded-full of nodules that give her a rasp the envy of a chain-smoking bullfrog. Her classmates might just think she's quiet, but Azar is saving her voice for when it really counts and talking to her classmates is not medically advisable or even high on her list. When she hears about a local Battle of the Bands contest, it's something she can't resist. Azar loves music, loves songwriting, but with her vocal folds the way they are, there's no way she can sing her songs on stage. Then she hears lacrosse hottie, Ebenezer Lloyd Hollins the Fifth, aka Eben, singing from the locker room. She's transfixed. He's just the person she needs. His voice + her lyrics = Battle of the Bands magic. But getting a band together means Azar has a lot of talking to do and new friends to make. For the chance to stand on stage with Eben it might all just be worth it.

Theme: LGBTQ2S+, Special Needs, Music

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    Young Adult Fiction
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By: olivia abtahi | Published: May 2022

Fourteen-year-old Iranian-American Parvin Mohammadi sets out to win the ultimate date to homecoming by emulating the lead women in rom-coms she's...

Fourteen-year-old Iranian-American Parvin Mohammadi sets out to win the ultimate date to homecoming by emulating the lead women in rom-coms she's watched, but learns that the best way to win someone else's affections is to just be herself.

Theme: Wholesome Romance

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
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